The Peaceman® Foundation is a private foundation that I established to battle hatred and violence – especially against those who are perceived as outsiders - and to treat those suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D.), a serious condition caused by a reaction to hatred or violence.
My family and I have suffered greatly from the biggest Hate Crime in history — Adolph Hitler’s murder of 6 million Jews. During the Holocaust, at the age of 17, my father Siggi B. Wilzig was transported to Auschwitz, the worst of all the Nazi extermination camps. He survived the war, but altogether 59 of my relatives were murdered by the Nazis. Having seen his mother sent straight to the gas chambers and having watched his father beaten to death during forced slave labor, my own father suffered headaches, flashbacks, anxiety attacks, and nightmares for the rest of his life — all classic symptoms of P.T.S.D. Therefore, it has been ingrained in me since childhood to prevent hatred and violence towards anyone, and to help those who are victims of hatred and violence. One particular area of interest is in helping LGBT youth who have been affected by bullying and violence, to prevent suicides and other long-lasting negative effects, such as P.T.S.D.
Therefore, I am donating all of my recording artist royalties from my album sales to The Peaceman Foundation, which will distribute the funds to charitable organizations that battle hatred and violence against those perceived as outsiders and to those that treat P.T.S.D. I want to help save countless lives by preventing hatred and violence from happening in the first place and by keeping victims of hatred and violence from committing suicide.
Charities The Peaceman® Foundation and Sir Ivan® have supported are:
- ACE New York
- The Active Network
- American Diabetes Association
- Amcha
- The Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR)
- American National Red Cross
- Anti-Defamation League
- Avon Walk for Breast Cancer
- Best Buddies International
- The Blue Card Fund
- Born This Way Foundation
- Broadway Sings for Pride
- Bullyproof Initiative
- Campus Pride
- Ellen P. Hermanson Foundation
- Elton John AIDS Foundation
- Forgotten Mom
- Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation
- Gay, Lesbian & Straight Educational Network (GLSEN)
- Gayface
- The Groovy Project
- The Heart Fund
- The It Gets Better Project
- K9s For Warriors
- LA 4 Animals Foundation
- The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- The Little Lighthouse Foundation
- Long Island Gay and Lesbian Youth (LIGALY)
- Love Is Louder
- Make-A-Wish Foundation
- Mommy's Heart
- Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS)
- The Max Cure Foundation
- Museum of Jewish Heritage
- National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)
- The Opportunity Network
- Outmusic
- Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center
- Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)
- Phoenix House
- PTSD United
- Rock Against Trafficking
- Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation
- Southampton Hospital
- Stomp Out Bullying
- Team Justice
- The Trevor Project
- United Hatzalah
- Wounded Warrior Project